While some people have regular dental implants, others need specialist treatment. For example, some patients have zygomatic implants.

These implants work like traditional options but have a different placement. They go into the bone in the cheek rather than the jaw. They are often used as an alternative to all-on-4 or all-on-6 devices which create a full top arch of implant-supported dentures.

If your dentist has mentioned zygomatic implants to you, then you should consider this option. Why?

Zygomatic Implants Work For All Patients

Regular dental implants go into your jaw. However, if you don't have enough bone to hold the implant post, then you might not be able to have this treatment.

Some patients can have bone grafts or sinus lifts to build bone in the area; however, this won't work for everyone. If you don't have enough bone in your jaw and can't build it up, then you can't have a regular implant.

People in this situation can, however, usually have a zygomatic procedure. These implants use longer posts that go into parts of your cheekbones. The density of your jaw bones becomes irrelevant.

Zygomatic Implants Are Faster

If you decide to augment your bone so that you can have a regular implant treatment, then your overall treatment will take more time. For example, if you have a bone graft, then you have to wait for the graft to settle and bond with your existing bone. This can take months.

You then have to start your implant treatment. Your dentist will put a post in your augmented bone. You then have to wait for it to fuse into place. Again, this can take months.

If you have a zygomatic implant, then you reduce your procedure time. Your dentist doesn't need to do any augmentation work; you don't need to wait for a graft to work. They can simply start work on your implant from your first appointment. Your treatment takes less time.

Zygomatic Implants Cost Less

Even if your medical insurance includes dental coverage, your insurance company isn't likely to cover all the costs of implant work. Insurers typically count implants as cosmetic procedures; however, some will pay for some of your costs here.

You'll still have to handle any out-of-pocket expenses. Plus, if you don't have coverage, then you'll have to pay all your costs.

If you choose a zygomatic implant, then you reduce the costs of your treatment. You won't have to pay for a bone graft or sinus lift, for example.

To find out more about zygomatic implants and whether they are the right choice for you, talk to your dentist.
