Sedation dentistry takes advantage of sedatives to provide a safe and comfortable experience for patients. Oral sedatives, inhalant sedatives, and intravenous sedatives can all be used during dental procedures. If you feel anxious at the dentist, sedation dentistry might be a good option for you. Here are four reasons to choose sedation dentistry:

1. Reduce your stress levels.

Sedation dentistry can help you reduce your stress levels. Too much stress is bad for your health, and some people find that dental appointments promote a high level of stress and anxiety. Some sedatives, such as benzodiazepines, are prescribed by dentists ahead of time. Taking a sedative before you arrive at the dentist's office can help you maintain a positive attitude about the situation.

2. Set a good example for your children.

Kids learn by watching others, especially their parents. It's important to set a good example for your children, especially when it comes to dental care. When kids see their parents going to the dentist biannually, routine dental care becomes normalized. Choosing sedation dentistry can help you get over your own fears about the dentist so you can set a good example of responsible oral care for your children.

3. Choose the level of sedation that works best for you.

Some people hesitate to choose sedation dentistry because they don't think their anxiety is bad enough to warrant sedative use. However, you can choose the level of sedation that works for you. People with mild anxiety can take advantage of nitrous oxide, which is an inhalant gas with anxiolytic properties. Nitrous oxide causes no lingering impairment, which makes it ideal for people who need to return to work after their dental appointment. Oral sedatives and intravenous sedatives can offer a higher level of sedation. People can even choose to undergo general anesthesia for invasive treatments. You can discuss your options with a sedation dentist to find a mutually acceptable treatment plan.

4. Stop putting off dental procedures.

Sedation dentistry can give you the incentive you need to stop putting off dental procedures. Cavities and other dental problems may not cause immediate pain. However, leaving these issues untreated can lead to tooth loss, infections, and other serious consequences. If you've been avoiding dental procedures due to fear, sedation dentistry can give you peace of mind. Once you have been sedated, you'll be able to relax while your dentist works on your teeth. Some sedation dentists even offer headphones and music to their patients to further facilitate the relaxation process.
