When you initially go for a consultation to decide if you want to obtain one or more dental implants to perfect your smile, you will hear a lot of discussion about bone height. Bone height is used in reference to the existing height of the lower mandible or the upper jaw. Once you lose a tooth, the bone that once anchored that tooth naturally begins to lose some height. Likewise, some people lose some of the bone height in their jaws as they get older. If you are curious about why bone height is so important when you are looking to get implants, it is best to read through this short list of reasons below. 

Bone height determines how stable the implant will be in the jaw. 

Someone who has ample bone structure in their jaw with plenty of height has a stronger base to support an implant. Technically, when an implant is installed, it gets screwed into the existing bone. Imagine screwing a screw into a thin piece of wood compared to screwing it into a thick piece of wood; the screw placed in the thicker wood would have more stability. 

Bone height affects how the implant will look in your mouth. 

In some cases, available bone height will affect how the implant looks in your mouth once it has been inserted and your mouth has healed. For example, an older adult who has substantial bone-height loss may have an implant that needs a longer or taller tooth for it to align with the bite. Bone height can also affect how soft tissue encloses around the base of the implant. Someone with not a lot of height available may have less gum tissue available as well, which can mean less tissue enclosing around the new tooth. 

Bone height can affect the bite after the implant is placed. 

Most importantly, bone height can affect how the implant acts when it is in use while you bite and chew. Stability is absolutely important when you do either of these. Someone who has a lower bone height may have a few more issues with biting and chewing with their new implant than someone who has a taller bony structure in the jaw bones. Of course, bone grafts can be performed to help if the lacking bone structure is so severe that the implant would not be a feasible option in the mouth. 
