You can get your teeth whitened and sculpted to the perfect shape and size with dental bonding. Tooth-colored resin is added to the surface of your natural tooth and cured using ultraviolet light. If maintained properly, dental bonding lasts anywhere from 3 to 10 years; however, if you happen to love coffee and other foods that have been known to stain the resin used in dental bonding, the following three tips will help you prevent and get coffee stains out.

Polish Shallow Stains Out

If the stains have yet to penetrate deep into the tooth's core, the easiest and most inexpensive solution is to simply polish and buff the stains out. This can usually be completed within one dental session. The polished surface will be a bit thinner, meaning that it will be a bit more vulnerable to chipping and breaking. You will need to be more careful once you have the surface of the resin polished and buffed. Polishing and buffing the tooth surface can give the tooth back its shine and give you a good idea of how deep the stains go.

Restore Bond with New Resin

Stains that have been neglected for long periods of time will have penetrated quite far into your natural tooth. When this happens, the stain has either reached your natural enamel or stuck between your natural tooth surface and the resin. The coffee stains are stuck in between these layers and might be causing further damage to your teeth. To get rid of these stains, the dental bond will need to be restored, and new resin will need to be applied. The current layer will need to be removed. Your cosmetic dentist can take this time to determine whether you need to alter the color and shade of the new resin to be applied.

Opt for a Lighter Shade of Resin for More Leeway

Depending on how much you love coffee, you might already know that you won't be able to quit that easily. If that's the case, you already anticipate staining. You'll be able to avoid having to deal with the stains for some time if you opt for a lighter shade of resin than you would've otherwise wanted. This gives the dental bonding more leeway to become a darker color before the staining is so noticeable that you need to deal with it.


Dental bonding is often used to fix chips and other dental problems. You can take advantage of this opportunity to correct the color and shade of your teeth with the tooth-colored resin.

Make an appointment with a cosmetic dentistry to get started. 
